What Is a 4 Gas Meter?
A 4 gas meter, also known as a multi-gas detector or four-gas monitor, is an instrument that measures multiple gases simultaneously for safety and protection in enclosed spaces. These handheld instruments detect carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), oxygen (O2), and combustible gases like methane. They are commonly used to detect dangerous toxins, flammable chemicals, and combustibles in industrial environments, indoor agriculture, pharmaceutical, fire suppression testing, sanitation, oil and gas, and high-technology manufacturing.
These meters provide a real-time reading of each sensor and trigger audible, visual, and vibration alarms when preset levels are reached. They are an essential safety tool for workers who enter confined spaces including tanks, vessels, silos, manholes, pits, and tunnels where dangerous vapors can accumulate.
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When using a 4 gas meter, it is important to keep in mind the difference between ppm and %LEL readings. Most oxygen sensors present their readings in a percentage format, while H2S and CO sensor readings are displayed as a ppm. Combustibles, on the other hand, are typically recorded as a %LEL reading using a catalytic bead pellistor sensor.
This information can be found in the meter’s user manual and is a very important factor to keep in mind when entering a confined space or metering an area for possible hazardous conditions. It is also recommended to allow 10-15 seconds of reflex or response time between each meter reading and a safe final reading, so the meter can accurately track and respond to any changes in the atmosphere.