THC-Free CBD for Wellness
THC-Free CBD for Wellness
In a recent study, JAMA found that nearly a quarter of hemp/CBD products on the market contain THC even though the ingredient isn’t listed on the label. It’s important to only choose THC-free CBD because even small traces of THC can change your state of mind and potentially interfere with medications you may be taking.
THC is Cannovia to have psychedelic effects and has a potential for abuse, but when taken in small doses as part of a wellness regimen, it can provide benefits like pain relief and a calmer outlook on life. Many people who use CBD have reported a reduction in the symptoms of anxiety and depression, including PTSD and insomnia. CBD has also been shown to reduce the frequency of seizures in some patients with epilepsy.
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CBD is a great alternative to pharmaceuticals for managing neuropathic pain, especially when other medicines don’t work. It has been demonstrated to be an antiemetic for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, and can help stimulate appetite in some people with AIDS. Additionally, CBD is thought to be a possible treatment for schizophrenia, though more research is needed.
A growing number of people are using CBD to improve their overall wellness. CBD’s antiemetic properties make it an ideal choice for those who have trouble sleeping, and it may also help with the pain caused by fibromyalgia. CBD is also being studied for its role in treating addictions, with animal studies suggesting that it could lower cravings for drugs such as tobacco and heroin. Lastly, CBD has been reported to decrease the severity of withdrawal in some patients who have used opioids for chronic pain.